
First and foremost I am passionate about the internet and websites.  I truly believe it is one of the most life-changing inventions of modern times. I spend quite a sad amount of time on the internet.  I love how the internet allows us to discover….everything.  Whether it is information about a business or product, to compare and review, to buy, to learn, to have fun, to share, to solve problems, to navigate, to communicate. Wow, where would we be without it? And it is all free! Unbelievable.

Added to my nerdy passion is a bit of knowledge.

I am well aware that some websites are not easy to navigate or use.  At the end of the day, there is no point in a website looking incredible if the user gives up waiting for it to load or can’t find what they want even if you can offer it to them.

I am well aware we all have very different levels of technical knowledge. I will talk to you in a way you understand.

I am aware businesses sometimes like to keep their clients ‘in the dark’. I will be open and honest with you and maybe even teach you some stuff about web design. I want the website to be your website.

I am aware you could pay thousands for a bespoke professional website or a big fat zero for a ready made website. And wonder what the difference is. I aim to fall somewhere in between and give you a professional custom made website at a price that will surprise you.

My philosophy is that websites should primarily be straightforward to use and allow the user to easily find and achieve whatever they’ve come to the site for. I aim to do this by working with you as much as possible and by giving you as much control as possible to create a professional looking website that achieves your desired results whether that is to create business, entertain, inform or share.

And at a price that will make you happy.


Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.